The Four Seasons – David Brokaw

Fine Abstract Expressionist Art

Displaying the paintings of David Brokaw

Welcome to Deandra's Abstractions

Hello art lovers, welcome to Deandra’s Abstractions, displaying the art of David Brokaw. This is a simple site, devoid of advertisements and hard sell tactics.  We are also shy on fancy plug-ins.  Our goal is for a seamless experience where you can just browse and enjoy the galleries.  There are some pictures available for purchase by contacting us, but no pressure.  The galleries are set up as the Early Works, from 1970 to 1980 and are primarily works completed as class projects.  Mid Term Works, painted when time and space allowed while otherwise employed run from 1981 to 2010.  Recent Works displays paintings done after a permanent studio was set up and then retirement from 2011 to the present.  Also in the galleries is a slide show of pictures my father took of a public exhibit at our local Arts Center in August 1993.  There is also a page with a short biography of the artist.  There is no blog, but you may leave comments, ask questions, or discuss purchase of available paintings directly with us on the contact page.  Please enjoy and visit often.

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